So, for a while now I've been teaching a .NET 2.0/C# 2.0/Object-oriented desing class and decided to come up with a simple class website.

I'm covering not only the basics, but also many advanced topics that you would only find in footnotes. Mainly I'm going to be covering stuff that I wish someone would explain to me in plain english!! So, I'm going to be spending time explaining the differences between ref and out, const and readonly, and try{}catch{} and try{}catch(Exception ex){} among other topics. You can bet that I'll be spending A LOT of time just on delegation!!

There are actually a few series going on at once: C# Language (Intro, Intermediate, Advanced), .NET Framework and Design, Object Orientation and Design Patterns, SOA and Enterprise Development, ASP.NET 2.0 (web-standards "tableless"/CSS!!!), and WinFX concepts are the series all going on in parallel.

As far as the intro ASP.NET stuff is concerned, there are great ASP.NET books out for that kind of stuff. I'm mainly focusing on the middle layer and more advanced concepts. I'm actually planning a lecture for Microsoft Atlas. Given my love for Firefox, .NET, and remote scripting (err, Ajax), that should be fun! Also in the course of things I plan on having a lecture to discuss .NET design guidelines and another lecture on the architecture and mechanics of the CLR! .NET assembly language (yeah, yeah, the IL) rules!

Now what is my supplemental book recommendation? Basically anything that Troelsen has written. His latest book "Pro C# 2005 and the .NET 2.0 Platform" is written incredibly eloquently.

I absolutely love .NET... and this should show! maybe I can get an MVP out of this :D hint hint!!

Anyhow, here's the page I threw togther for it. I'll be posting more information, links, and samples as time goes along.
