Well, good news and bad news. I was offered the gig to write the new Brainbench C# 2.0 exam. I've been wanting that for a while, so obviously I took it. Of course three days later I get an offer from an editor for me to write a chapter or two for a soon to be released Ajax book. Ha! The bad news is that they had the exact same time frame (1 to 2 months). That, plus my intensive physical training and skydiving pursuits I found absolutely no time on my (Google) calendar to write a chapter! This is a major lesson in timing for me.

I'm really excited about the C# 2.0 exam though. If you know anything about how I write samples and questions you'll know that I'm BEYOND uptight about strictness to best practices and the official framework design guidelines (thank you Krzysztof Cwalina and Brad Abrams). So, my questions will obviously follow those VERY legalistically.

...and NO I won't have threading questions or web questions on the exam. This is NOT a framework exam! I hate it when test writers put that stuff on those exams. Strictly web people will miss every threading question and strictly Windows people will miss every web question. So, it will be fair... but, no, not easy!

By the way, I know I haven't posted any research in a VERY long time on either of my blogs (this one and my Ajax blog), but I've been rather swamped with non-technical activities for the past few months. I still have many more videos just sitting here that I need to post, but I just need to find the right time.
