No... unfortunately not this one.  Today I was across Rick Strahl's blog.  I've been reading his stuff for a long time now and have been a big fan of his work for a while, but some for some reason it was only today that I got around to thinking "wait... maybe he has a blog!".  In any case, if you read my blog, then you REALLY need to be reading his.  His work covers very similar topics: .NET, ASP.NET Internals, JavaScript, WCF Stuff, COM, Windows Live Writer API, but with the exception that his, of course, is much better.  Aside from his blog, his articles and papers are also incredible.  One in particular I would like to point out is a classic: A low-level Look at the ASP.NET Architecture, an incredibly in depth look at the internals of ASP.NET (and required reading for all ASP.NET developers!).  You can also see him answering questions all over the forums (places where you won't see me!  Scary places!)

He's definitely on my list of "people smart than me" (there's a success principle that states that the key to success to to surround yourself with people smarter than yourself).  Also on that list would be Scott Hanselman, Fritz Onion, Charles Petzold, Don Box, Frans Bouma, and Brad Abrams (there are more, but as a minimalist I feel weird when a list gets too long)  These are my .NET role models and you if don't have their blogs in your feed reader, then you seriously need to get on that one.  If you have too many already, delete mine.  BTW, they each have something in common: they are either MVPs or work at Microsoft (or are kind of both):

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