I've always thought that one of the best ways to learn or teach a series of technologies is to create either a photo gallery, some forum software, or a blog engine.  Thus to aide in teaching various areas of .NET (and to have full control over my own blog), I created Minima v1.  Minima v2 came on the scene adding many new features and showing how LINQ can help make your DAL shine.  Then, Minima v3 showed up and demonstrated an enormous load of technologies as well as demonstrating proper architectural principles.

Well, Minima 3.1 is an update to Minima 3.0 and it's still here to help people see various technologies in action.  However, while Minima 3.1 adds various features to the Minima 3.1 base, its primary important to note that it's also the first major Themelia 2.0 application (Minima 3.0 was built on Themelia 1.x).  As such, not only is it a prime example of many technologies ranging from WCF to LINQ to ASP.NET controls to custom configuration, it's also a good way to see how Themelia provides a component model to the web.  In fact, Minima 3.1 is technically a Themelia 2.0 plug-in.

Here's a quick array of new blog features:

<minima.blog entriesToShow="7" domain="http://www.tempuri.org/">
    <authentication defaultUserName="jdoe@tempuri.org" defaultPassword="blogpassword"/>
    <endpoint author="AuthorServiceWs2007HttpBinding" blog="BlogServiceWs2007HttpBinding" comment="CommentServiceWs2007HttpBinding" image="ImageServiceWs2007HttpBinding" label="LabelServiceWs2007HttpBinding" />
  <suffix index="Year Review" archive="Blog Posts" label="Label Contents" />
  <display linkAuthorsToEmail="false" blankMessage="There are no entries in this view." />
  <comment subject="New Comment on Blog" />
    <add name="AmazonAffiliate" value="net05c-20" />

As a Training Tool

Minima is often used as a training tool for introductory, intermediate, and expert-level .NET.

Minima 2.0 could be used as a training tool for ASP.NET, CSS theming, proper use of global.asax, integrating with Windows Live Writer, framework design guidelines, HttpModules, HttpHandlers, HttpHandlerFactories, LINQ, type organization, proper-SQL Server table design and naming scheme, XML serialization, and XML-RPC.NET usage.

Minima 3.1 can be used as a training tool for the same concepts and technologies as Minima 2.0 as well as SOA principles, custom WCF service host factories, custom WCF behaviors, WCF username authentication, custom WCF declarative operation-level security, WCF exception shielding and fault management, custom WCF message header usage, WCF type organization, WCF-LINQ DTO transformation, enhanced WCF clients, using WCF sessions for Captcha verification, SQL Server 2005 schema security, XmlWriter usage, ASP.NET programmatic user control usage, custom configuration sections, WCF JavaScript clients, ASP.NET control JavaScript registration, JavaScript namespaces, WCF JSON services, WCF RSS services, ASP.NET templated databinding, and ASP.NET control componentization.


Probably the most important thing to learn from Minima is architecture.  Minima is built to provide great flexibility.  However, that's not for the faint of heart.  I heard one non-architect and obvious newbie say that it was "over architected".  According to this person, apparently, adding security to your WCF services to protect you private information is "over architecting" something (not to mention the fact that WCF enforces security for username authentication).

In any case, Minima is split into two parts: the service and the web site.  I use Minima many places, but for all my blogs (or, more accurately, content streams) I have a single centralized, well-protected service set.  All my internal web sites access this central location via the WCF NetNamedPipeBinding.


Minima is NOT your every day blog engine.  If your company needs a blog engine for various people on the team, get community server.  Minima isn't for you.  Minima allows you to plop a blog into any existing web site.  For example, if you have an existing web site, just install Themelia (remember, Minima is a Themelia plugin), create a new Themelia web domain, and register Minima into that web domain as follows:

        <add key="Minima" type="Minima.Web.Routing.MinimaComponent, Minima.Web">
            <add name="page" value="~/Page_/Blog/Root.aspx" />
            <add name="blogGuid" value="19277C41-7E4D-4AE0-A196-25F45AC48762" />

Now, on that Root.aspx page, just add a simple Minima.Web.Controls.MinimaBlog control.  Your blog immediately starts rendering.  Not only that, commenting is automatically supported.  Furthermore, you have a site map, a Windows Live Writer (MetaWeblog API) endpoint, a rsd.xml file, and a wlwmanifest.xml file.  All that just dropping a control on to a web site without configuring anything in that page.  Of course, you can configure things if you want and you can add more control to the page as well.  Perhaps you want a label list, an archive list, or a recent entry list.  Just add the appropriate control to the web form.  In fact, the same Minima binaries that you will compile with the source is used on each of my web sites with absolutely no changes; they are all just a single control, yet look nothing alike.

Personally, I don't like to add a lot of controls to my web forms.  Thus, I normally add a place holder control and then add my controls to that place holder.  There more here's a snippet from my blog's web form (my entire blog has only one page):

phLabelList.Controls.Add(new Minima.Web.Controls.LabelList { Heading = "Label Cloud", ShowHeading = true, TemplateType = typeof(Minima.Web.Controls.LabelListControlTemplateFactory.SizedTemplate) });
phArchivedEntryList.Controls.Add(new Minima.Web.Controls.ArchivedEntryList { ShowEntryCount = false });
phRecentEntryList.Controls.Add(new Minima.Web.Controls.RecentEntryList());
phMinimaBlog.Controls.Add(new Minima.Web.Controls.MinimaBlog
    ShowAuthorSeries = false,
    PostFooterTypeInfo = Themelia.Activation.TypeInfo.GetInfo(Minima.Web.Controls.FeedBurnerPostFooter.Type, "http://feeds.feedburner.com/~s/FXHarmonics"),
    ClosedCommentText = String.Empty,
    DisabledCommentText = String.Empty

There's nothing here that you can't do as well.  Most everything there is self explanatory too.  However, notice the post footer type.  By setting this type, Minima knows to render the feed burner post footer at the end of each entry.

Thus, with a simple configuration and a drop of a control, you can add a blog anywhere.  Or, in the case of the Themelia web site, you can add a content stream anywhere.

Here's a snippet from the configuration for the Themelia web site:

<add name="framework" path="framework" defaultPage="/Sequence_/Home.aspx" acceptMissingTrailingSlash="true">
    <add key="Minima" type="Minima.Web.Routing.MinimaViewerComponent, Minima.Web">
        <add name="blogGuid" value="19277C41-7E4D-4AE0-A196-25F45AC48762" />

By looking at the Themelia web site, you can see that on the Themelia web site, Minima isn't being used as a blog engine, but as a content stream.  Go walk around the documentation of http://themelia.netfxharmonics.com/framework/docs.  I didn't make a bunch of pages, all I did was drop in that component and throw a Minima.Web.Controls.BlogViewer control on the page and BAM I have an entire documentation system already built based upon various entries from my blog.

As a side note, if you look on my blog, you will see each of the Themelia blog entries have a list of links, but the same thing in the Themelia documentation does not have the link list.  This is because I've set IgnoreBlogEntryFooter to true on the BlogViewer control and thus telling Minima to remove all text after the special code.  Thus I can post the same entry in two places.

This isn't a marketing post on why you should use Minima.  If you want to use Minima, go ahead, you can contact me on my web site for help.  However, the point is to learn as much as you can about modern technology using Minima as an example.  It's not meant to be used in major web sites by just anyone at this point (though I use it in production in many places).  Having said that, the next version of Minima will be part of the Themelia suite and will have much more user support and formal documentation.

In conclusion, I say again (and again and again), you may use Minima for your personal training all you want.  That's why it's public. 

