Scenario: Deploy Multi-Region Elasticsearch Cluster on Azure
Previously, I wrote about my proposal for modular ARM templates. Here I'm going to go through the scenario of deploying a full, multi-location Elasticsearch node cluster with a single public endpoint and pretty DNS.
This is a sequel to Developing Azure Modular ARM Templates. Study that first. You need the
Deploy ARM Template
PowerShell at the bottom to complete this deployment.
Let's begin by reviewing the solution:
This solution is at
Here we see:
- A 3-phase Azure deployment
- 3 PowerShell files
- A VM setup script (
) - A script that
will run ( - A file that
will indirectly use (
The modular deployment phases are:
- Setup of general resources (storage, vnet, IP, NIC, NSG)
- Setup of VNet gateways
- Setup of VMs
The first phase exists to lay out the general components. This is a very quick phase.
The second phase creates the gateways.
After the second phase, we will create the VNet connections with PowerShell
The third phase will create the VMs
Then we will generate sample data and test the ES cluster.
Then we will create an Azure Traffic Manager and test.
Finally we will add a pretty name to the traffic manager with Azure DNS.
Let's do this...
Creating Storage for Deployment
The first thing we're going to do is create a storage account for deployment files. In various examples online, you see this in Gitlab. We're not going to do that. Here we create a storage account that future phases will reference. You only need one... ever. Here I'm creating one just for this specific example deployment.
$uniquifier = $([guid]::NewGuid().tostring().substring(0, 8)) $rg = "esnodes$uniquifier" _createdeploymentAccount -rg $rg -uniquifier $uniquifier
Reference the
Deploy ARM Template
PowerShell file at the end of Developing Azure Modular ARM Templates for the above and later code.
VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Replacing resource group ..." on target "".
VERBOSE: 11:01:28 PM - Created resource group 'esnodesfbdac204' in location 'centralus'
ResourceGroupName : esnodesfbdac204
Location : centralus
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags :
ResourceId : /subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204
ResourceGroupName : esnodesfbdac204
StorageAccountName : filesfbdac204
Id : /subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/filesfbdac204
Location : centralus
Sku : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage.Models.Sku
Kind : BlobStorage
Encryption :
AccessTier : Hot
CreationTime : 7/22/2017 4:01:29 AM
CustomDomain :
Identity :
LastGeoFailoverTime :
PrimaryEndpoints : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage.Models.Endpoints
PrimaryLocation : centralus
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
SecondaryEndpoints :
SecondaryLocation :
StatusOfPrimary : Available
StatusOfSecondary :
Tags : {}
EnableHttpsTrafficOnly : False
Context : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Common.Storage.LazyAzureStorageContext
ExtendedProperties : {}
CloudBlobContainer : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlobContainer
Permission : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.BlobContainerPermissions
PublicAccess : Blob
LastModified : 7/22/2017 4:02:00 AM +00:00
ContinuationToken :
Context : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Storage.AzureStorageContext
Name : support
Phase 1 Deployment
Now we're ready for phase 1 of deployment. This phase is quick and easy. It simply creates the basic components that future phases will use.
Part of what phase 1 will deploy is a virtual network per region that we're requesting. In this example, we have "central us", "west us", and "east us". We need a virtual network in each.
But, to make this work we have to remember our IP addressing:
Very short IP address review
Given a 10.x.x.x network, and a 0.y.y.y mask, 10 is your network and the x.x.x is your host area.
Given a 10.1.x.x network, and a 0.0.y.y mask, 10.1 is your network and x.x is your mask.
The concept of subnetting is relative to the network and only shows up in discussions of larger scale networks and supernetting. Tell the pendantic sysadmins to take a hike when they they to confuse you with over emphasising the network vs. subnetwork aspects. This is a semantic concept, not a technical one. That is, it relates to the design, not the bits themselves.
The virtual networks in our modular deployment uses the following addressSpace
"addressSpace": { "addressPrefixes": [ "[concat('10.', mul(16, add(copyIndex(), 1)), '.0.0/12')]" ] },
We see that our networks follow a 10.16*n+1.0.0/12 pattern.
This takes n
to generate networks: n=0 =>
, n=1 =>
, and n=2 =>
Azure allows you to split your networks up into subnets as well. This is great for organization. Not only that, when you specify a NIC, you put it on a subnet. So, let's look at our subnet configuration:
"subnets": [ { "name": "subnet01", "properties": { "addressPrefix": "[concat('10.', add(mul(16, add(copyIndex(), 1)), 1), '.0.0/16')]" } }, { "name": "subnet02", "properties": { "addressPrefix": "[concat('10.', add(mul(16, add(copyIndex(), 1)), 2), '.0.0/16')]" } }, { "name": "GatewaySubnet", "properties": { "addressPrefix": "[concat('10.', mul(16, add(copyIndex(), 1)), '.0.', 16,'/28')]" } } ]
The NICs for our VMs will be on subnet01
. We will not be using subnet02
, but I always include it for future experiments and as an example of further subnetting.
is special and is used only by the VPN gateways. Don't mess with that.
Zooming into subnet01, we see a 10.(16*n+1)+1.0.0/16 pattern. It's basically the network + 1 with the next four bits defining the subnet (in our case the subnet is the network; it's only a subnet from the perspective of the network, but we're not viewing it from that perspective).
This takes n
to generate networks: n=0 =>
, n=1 =>
, and n=2 =>
End of mini-lesson.
Now to deploy phase 1...
(filtering for phase 1)
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\networkInterfaces\nic-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\networkSecurityGroups\nsg-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\publicIPAddresses\pip-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\virtualNetworks\vnet-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\storage\storageAccounts\storage-copyIndex.json...
(excluding \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\publicIPAddresses\2.pip-gateway-copyIndex.json)
(excluding \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\virtualNetworkGateways\2.gateway-copyIndex.json)
(excluding \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\compute\virtualMachines\3.vm-copyIndex.json)
(excluding \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\compute\virtualMachines\extensions\3.script.json)
Creating \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\deploy\07212017-110346.1...
Deploying template \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\deploy\azuredeploy-generated.json
VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "esnodesfbdac204".
VERBOSE: 07:03:49 PM - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 07:03:51 PM - Create template deployment 'elasticsearch-secure-nodes07212017-110346'
VERBOSE: 07:03:51 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 07:03:56 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 07:04:01 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 07:04:06 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204alpha' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 07:04:06 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups 'nsg-gamma' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 07:04:06 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 07:04:12 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:12 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:12 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:12 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks 'vnet-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:12 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks 'vnet-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:12 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks 'vnet-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:12 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups 'nsg-alpha' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 07:04:12 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204gamma' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 07:04:12 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups 'nsg-beta' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 07:04:12 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204beta' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 07:04:12 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 07:04:17 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 07:04:22 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces 'nic-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:22 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces 'nic-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:22 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces 'nic-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:22 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups 'nsg-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:22 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups 'nsg-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:22 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups 'nsg-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:22 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 07:04:27 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 07:04:33 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 07:04:38 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:38 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:38 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 07:04:38 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
DeploymentName : elasticsearch-secure-nodes07212017-110346
ResourceGroupName : esnodesfbdac204
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Timestamp : 7/23/2017 12:04:32 AM
Mode : Incremental
TemplateLink :
Parameters :
Name Type Value
=============== ========================= ==========
admin-username String dbetz
ssh-public-key String ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCxbo0LWWXCHEEGxgtraIhHBPPnt+kJGMjYMC6+9gBIsYz8R8bSFfge7ljHRxvJoye+4IrdSf2Ee2grgm2+xT9HjMvVR2/LQjPY+ocdinYHlM6miqvMgMblOMVm6/WwY0L
bf dbetz@localhost.localdomain
script-base String
Outputs :
DeploymentDebugLogLevel :
Now we have all kinds of goodies setup. Note how fast that was: template validation was at 07:03:49 PM and it finished at 07:04:38 PM.
Phase 2 Deployment
Now for phase 2. Here we're creating the VPN gateways. Why? Because we have multiple virtual networks in multiple regions. We need to create VPN connections between them to allow communication. To create VPN connections, we need VPN gateways.
Be warned: this takes forever.
(filtering for phase 2)
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\networkInterfaces\nic-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\networkSecurityGroups\nsg-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\publicIPAddresses\pip-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\virtualNetworks\vnet-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\storage\storageAccounts\storage-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\publicIPAddresses\2.pip-gateway-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\virtualNetworkGateways\2.gateway-copyIndex.json...
(excluding \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\compute\virtualMachines\3.vm-copyIndex.json)
(excluding \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\compute\virtualMachines\extensions\3.script.json)
Creating \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\deploy\07222017-074129.2...
Deploying template \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\deploy\azuredeploy-generated.json
VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "esnodesfbdac204".
VERBOSE: 7:41:42 PM - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 7:41:43 PM - Create template deployment 'elasticsearch-secure-nodes07222017-074129'
VERBOSE: 7:41:43 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 7:41:49 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups 'nsg-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:49 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups 'nsg-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:49 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks 'vnet-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:49 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:49 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 7:41:54 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces 'nic-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:54 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces 'nic-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:54 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:54 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:54 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:54 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:54 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:54 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks 'vnet-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:54 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks 'vnet-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:54 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups 'nsg-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:54 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 7:41:59 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways 'gateway-gamma' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 7:41:59 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-gateway-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:59 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces 'nic-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:59 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-gateway-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:59 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-gateway-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 7:41:59 PM - Checking deployment status in 10 seconds
VERBOSE: 7:42:09 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways 'gateway-beta' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 7:42:09 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways 'gateway-alpha' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 7:42:10 PM - Checking deployment status in 11 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:11:11 PM - Checking deployment status in 11 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:11:22 PM - Checking deployment status in 11 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:11:33 PM - Checking deployment status in 10 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:11:43 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:11:48 PM - Checking deployment status in 9 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:11:58 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways 'gateway-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:11:58 PM - Checking deployment status in 11 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:12:09 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:12:14 PM - Checking deployment status in 7 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:12:21 PM - Checking deployment status in 11 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:12:33 PM - Checking deployment status in 11 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:12:44 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:12:49 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways 'gateway-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:12:49 PM - Checking deployment status in 8 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:12:57 PM - Checking deployment status in 11 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:13:08 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:13:14 PM - Checking deployment status in 7 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:13:21 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:13:26 PM - Checking deployment status in 7 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:13:33 PM - Checking deployment status in 11 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:13:45 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:13:50 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways 'gateway-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
DeploymentName : elasticsearch-secure-nodes07222017-074129
ResourceGroupName : esnodesfbdac204
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Timestamp : 7/23/2017 1:13:44 AM
Mode : Incremental
TemplateLink :
Parameters :
Name Type Value
=============== ========================= ==========
admin-username String dbetz
ssh-public-key String ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCxbo0LWWXCHEEGxgtraIhHBPPnt+kJGMjYMC6+9gBIsYz8R8bSFfge7ljHRxvJoye+4IrdSf2Ee2grgm2+xT9HjMvVR2/LQjPY+ocdinYHlM6miqvMgMblOMVm6/WwY0LZkozPKuSXzhO
script-base String
Outputs :
DeploymentDebugLogLevel :
At this point the gateways have been created.
Creating a VPN Connection Mesh
You can follow whip out various topologies to connect the networks (i.e. hub-and-spoke, point-to-point, etc) . In this case I'm going for a full mesh topology
. This connects everyone directly to every one else. It's the most hardcore option.
Given that a connection is unidirectional, you each toplogical unit between areas require both a to
and from
directional connection. So, A->B and B->A for a 2-point mesh. For a 3-point mesh, it's all over the board. The formula everyone who goes through network engineering training memorizes is n*(n-1)
. So, for n=3
, you have 3 * 2 (6) connections. For n=5
, this is 20 connections. That's a lot, but there's no lame bottleneck from tunneling traffic through a central hub (=hub-and-spoke topology).
When creating Azure VPN connections, you specify a shared key. This just makes sense. There needs to be private passcode to enable them to trust each other. In this example, I'm cracking open ASP.NET to auto-generate a wildly complex password. This thing is crazy. Here are some of the passwords it spits out:
- rT64%nr*#OX/CR)O
- XwX3UamErI@D)>N{
- Ej.ZHSngc|yenaiD
- @*KUz|$#^Jvp-9Vb
- _7q)6h6/.G;8C?U(
Anyway, on to the races...
function createmesh { param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$rg, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$key) function getname { param($id) $parts = $id.split('-') return $parts[$parts.length-1] } $gateways = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -ResourceGroupName $rg ($gateways).foreach({ $source = $_ ($gateways).foreach({ $target = $_ $sourceName = getname $source.Name $targetName = getname $target.Name if($ -ne $ { $connectionName = ('conn-{0}2{1}' -f $sourceName, $targetName) Write-Host "$sourceName => $targetName" New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -ResourceGroupName $rg -Location $source.Location -Name $connectionName ` -VirtualNetworkGateway1 $source ` -VirtualNetworkGateway2 $target ` -ConnectionType Vnet2Vnet ` -RoutingWeight 10 ` -SharedKey $key } }) }) } function _virtualenv { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web $key = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword(16,2) createmesh -rg $rgGlobal -key $key } _virtualenv
beta => gamma
beta => alpha
gamma => beta
gamma => alpha
alpha => beta
alpha => gamma
Name : conn-beta2gamma
ResourceGroupName : esnodesfbdac204
Location : westus
Id : /subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/connections/conn-beta2gamma
Etag : W/"d9644745-03f4-461c-9efa-1477cd5e13d1"
ResourceGuid : bfd89895-af3d-44ee-80c8-74413a18f6c4
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags :
AuthorizationKey :
VirtualNetworkGateway1 : "/subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/gateway-beta"
VirtualNetworkGateway2 : "/subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/gateway-gamma"
LocalNetworkGateway2 :
Peer :
RoutingWeight : 10
SharedKey : oF[sa4n^sq)aIYSj
ConnectionStatus : Unknown
EgressBytesTransferred : 0
IngressBytesTransferred : 0
TunnelConnectionStatus : []
Name : conn-beta2alpha
ResourceGroupName : esnodesfbdac204
Location : westus
Id : /subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/connections/conn-beta2alpha
Etag : W/"893dc827-a077-4003-b086-ec3aba8344ee"
ResourceGuid : c8780c08-9678-4720-a90b-42a8509c059e
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags :
AuthorizationKey :
VirtualNetworkGateway1 : "/subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/gateway-beta"
VirtualNetworkGateway2 : "/subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/gateway-alpha"
LocalNetworkGateway2 :
Peer :
RoutingWeight : 10
SharedKey : oF[sa4n^sq)aIYSj
ConnectionStatus : Unknown
EgressBytesTransferred : 0
IngressBytesTransferred : 0
TunnelConnectionStatus : []
Name : conn-gamma2beta
ResourceGroupName : esnodesfbdac204
Location : eastus
Id : /subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/connections/conn-gamma2beta
Etag : W/"a99e47f4-fd53-4583-811f-a868d1c0f011"
ResourceGuid : 50b8bc36-37b9-434f-badc-961266b19436
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags :
AuthorizationKey :
VirtualNetworkGateway1 : "/subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/gateway-gamma"
VirtualNetworkGateway2 : "/subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/gateway-beta"
LocalNetworkGateway2 :
Peer :
RoutingWeight : 10
SharedKey : oF[sa4n^sq)aIYSj
ConnectionStatus : Unknown
EgressBytesTransferred : 0
IngressBytesTransferred : 0
TunnelConnectionStatus : []
Name : conn-gamma2alpha
ResourceGroupName : esnodesfbdac204
Location : eastus
Id : /subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/connections/conn-gamma2alpha
Etag : W/"4dd2d765-4bb0-488f-9d28-dabbf618c28f"
ResourceGuid : e9e4591f-998b-4318-b297-b2078409c7e9
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags :
AuthorizationKey :
VirtualNetworkGateway1 : "/subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/gateway-gamma"
VirtualNetworkGateway2 : "/subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/gateway-alpha"
LocalNetworkGateway2 :
Peer :
RoutingWeight : 10
SharedKey : oF[sa4n^sq)aIYSj
ConnectionStatus : Unknown
EgressBytesTransferred : 0
IngressBytesTransferred : 0
TunnelConnectionStatus : []
Name : conn-alpha2beta
ResourceGroupName : esnodesfbdac204
Location : centralus
Id : /subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/connections/conn-alpha2beta
Etag : W/"aafef4bf-d241-4cdd-88b7-b6ecd793a662"
ResourceGuid : ef5bb61b-fcbe-4452-bf1f-b847f32dfa95
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags :
AuthorizationKey :
VirtualNetworkGateway1 : "/subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/gateway-alpha"
VirtualNetworkGateway2 : "/subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/gateway-beta"
LocalNetworkGateway2 :
Peer :
RoutingWeight : 10
SharedKey : oF[sa4n^sq)aIYSj
ConnectionStatus : Unknown
EgressBytesTransferred : 0
IngressBytesTransferred : 0
TunnelConnectionStatus : []
Name : conn-alpha2gamma
ResourceGroupName : esnodesfbdac204
Location : centralus
Id : /subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/connections/conn-alpha2gamma
Etag : W/"edf5f85a-0f7d-4883-8e45-433de9e045b2"
ResourceGuid : 074c168c-1d42-4704-b978-124c8505a35b
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags :
AuthorizationKey :
VirtualNetworkGateway1 : "/subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/gateway-alpha"
VirtualNetworkGateway2 : "/subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodesfbdac204/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/gateway-gamma"
LocalNetworkGateway2 :
Peer :
RoutingWeight : 10
SharedKey : oF[sa4n^sq)aIYSj
ConnectionStatus : Unknown
EgressBytesTransferred : 0
IngressBytesTransferred : 0
TunnelConnectionStatus : []
Phase 3 Deployment
Now to create the VMs...
In our scenario, it's really important to do this phase after creaitng the VPN connection mesh. During the VMs creation, Elasticsearch is automatically setup and the nodes will attempt to connect each other.
No mesh => no connection => you-having-a-fit.
During this deploy, you're going to see that everything from phases 1 and 2 is validated. That's just the idempotent nature of ARM template deployment.
(filtering for phase 3)
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\networkInterfaces\nic-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\networkSecurityGroups\nsg-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\publicIPAddresses\pip-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\virtualNetworks\vnet-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\storage\storageAccounts\storage-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\publicIPAddresses\2.pip-gateway-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\network\virtualNetworkGateways\2.gateway-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\compute\virtualMachines\3.vm-copyIndex.json...
Merging \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\template\resources\compute\virtualMachines\extensions\3.script.json...
Uploading elasticsearch-secure-nodes\07222017-084857\
Uploading elasticsearch-secure-nodes\07222017-084857\
Uploading elasticsearch-secure-nodes\07222017-084857\generate\
Blob path:
Creating \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\deploy\07222017-084857.3...
Deploying template \\\dbetz\azure\components\elasticsearch-secure-nodes\deploy\azuredeploy-generated.json
VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "esnodesfbdac204".
VERBOSE: 8:49:02 PM - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 8:49:03 PM - Create template deployment 'elasticsearch-secure-nodes07222017-084857'
VERBOSE: 8:49:03 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:49:08 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-gateway-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:08 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:08 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups 'nsg-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:08 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-gateway-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:08 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks 'vnet-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:08 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks 'vnet-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:08 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:08 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-gateway-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:08 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:08 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:08 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses 'pip-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:08 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:49:13 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:13 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways 'gateway-beta' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 8:49:13 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups 'nsg-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:13 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks 'vnet-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:13 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways 'gateway-alpha' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 8:49:13 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:13 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups 'nsg-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:13 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:13 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces 'nic-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:13 PM - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'esnodesfbdac204alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:13 PM - Checking deployment status in 6 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:49:19 PM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 'vm-beta' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 8:49:19 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces 'nic-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:19 PM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 'vm-alpha' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 8:49:19 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways 'gateway-gamma' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 8:49:19 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces 'nic-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:19 PM - Checking deployment status in 11 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:49:30 PM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 'vm-gamma' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 8:49:30 PM - Checking deployment status in 11 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:49:42 PM - Checking deployment status in 11 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:49:53 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways 'gateway-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:53 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways 'gateway-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:49:53 PM - Checking deployment status in 11 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:50:04 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:50:09 PM - Resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways 'gateway-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:50:09 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:50:14 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:50:19 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:50:25 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:50:30 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:50:35 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:50:40 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:50:45 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:50:51 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:50:56 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:51:01 PM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions 'vm-gamma/script' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 8:51:01 PM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 'vm-gamma' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:51:01 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:51:06 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:51:11 PM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 'vm-alpha' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:51:11 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:51:16 PM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions 'vm-beta/script' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 8:51:16 PM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions 'vm-alpha/script' provisioning status is running
VERBOSE: 8:51:16 PM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 'vm-beta' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:51:16 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:51:22 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:51:27 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:51:32 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:51:37 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:51:43 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:51:48 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:51:53 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:51:58 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:52:03 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:52:08 PM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions 'vm-gamma/script' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:52:08 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:52:14 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:52:19 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:52:24 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:52:29 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:52:35 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:52:40 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:52:45 PM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions 'vm-beta/script' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 8:52:45 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:52:50 PM - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 8:52:55 PM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions 'vm-alpha/script' provisioning status is succeeded
DeploymentName : elasticsearch-secure-nodes07222017-084857
ResourceGroupName : esnodesfbdac204
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Timestamp : 7/23/2017 1:52:51 AM
Mode : Incremental
TemplateLink :
Parameters :
Name Type Value
=============== ========================= ==========
admin-username String dbetz
ssh-public-key String ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCxbo0LWWXCHEEGxgtraIhHBPPnt+kJGMjYMC6+9gBIsYz8R8bSFfge7ljHRxvJoye+4IrdSf2Ee2grgm2+xT9HjMvVR2/LQjPY+ocdinYHlM6miqvMgMblOMVm6/WwY0LZkozPKuSXzhO
script-base String
Outputs :
DeploymentDebugLogLevel :
~4 minutes total to setup 3 VMs is pretty good. Keep in mind that this time frame includes running the post-VM-creation script (
). I loaded that with a bunch of stuff. You can see this part of the deploy in lines like the following:
Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions 'vm-beta/script' provisioning status is running
Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions 'vm-gamma/script' provisioning status is succeeded
Why's it so fast? Two reasons: First, the storage accounts, VNets, IPs, NICs, and NSGs are already setup in phase 1. Second, Azure will parallel deploy whatever it can. Upon validating that the dependencies (dependsOn
) are already setup, Azure will deploy the VMs. This means that phase 3 is a parallel deployment of three VMs.
At this point the entire core infrastructure is in place, including VMs. We can verify this by looking at the Elasticsearch endpoint.
While we can easily derive the endpoint address, let's let Powershell tell us directly:
(Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $rgGlobal -Name "pip-alpha").DnsSettings.Fqdn (Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $rgGlobal -Name "pip-beta").DnsSettings.Fqdn (Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $rgGlobal -Name "pip-gamma").DnsSettings.Fqdn
From this we have the following:
With this we can access the following endpoints to see pairing. You only need to do this on one, but because these are public, let's look at all three:
Always use SSL. Consider HTTP deprecated.
Let's see if we have any indices.
Nope. That makes sense because... well... I didn't create any yet.
Logging into alpha
We want to generate some data for Elasticsearch. I've provided a generation tool which the VMs setup during their provisioning.
Before we get to that point, we have to login to a VM.
Choose a VM DNS name and try to ssh
to it. I don't care which one. I'm going with alpha
[dbetz@core ~]$ ssh
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 36:d7:fd:ab:39:b1:10:c2:88:9f:7a:87:30:15:8f:e6.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[dbetz@alpha ~]$
If you get a message like the following, then you don't have the private key that goes with the public key you gave the VM in the ARM template.
[dbetz@core ~]$ ssh
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 94:dd:1b:ca:bf:7a:fd:99:c2:70:02:f3:0c:fa:0b:9a.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
To get your private key you can dump it out:
[dbetz@core ~]$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa
...base64 stuff here...
You can take that and dump it into a different system:
[dbetz@core ~]$ export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace
[dbetz@core ~]$ cat > ~/.ssh/id_rsa <<\EOF
...base64 stuff here...
is set toignorespace
is set and a command has a space in front of it, it won't be stored in shell history.
When you try it again, you'll get a sudden urge to throw your chair across the room:
[dbetz@core ~]$ ssh
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 94:dd:1b:ca:bf:7a:fd:99:c2:70:02:f3:0c:fa:0b:9a.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Permissions 0664 for '/home/dbetz/.ssh/id_rsa' are too open.
It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.
bad permissions: ignore key: /home/dbetz/.ssh/id_rsa
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
Chill. Your permissions suck. File permissions are set via your umask
settings. In this case, they're too open. Only you need permissions, read-only permissions at that: 400
You just need to drop the permissions:
[dbetz@core ~]$ chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Now you can get in:
[dbetz@core ~]$ ssh
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 7a:24:38:8c:05:c1:2c:f3:d0:fa:52:0d:2c:a4:04:9c.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Last login: Sat Jul 22 17:39:07 2017 from
[dbetz@alpha ~]$
We're in.
Adding data
To generate sample data for this scenario run my data generation tool (based on my project Hamlet.
It's in the /home/root
[root@alpha ~]# ./
Azure does its automated setup as root. That's why were here.
Running this installs all the required tool and writes instructions.
Follow the instructions the tool provides :
[root@alpha ~]# cd /srv/hamlet
[root@alpha hamlet]# source bin/activate
(hamlet) [root@alpha hamlet]# cd content
(hamlet) [root@alpha content]# python /srv/hamlet/content/
^CStopped (5.8595204026280285)
I let it run for a few seconds, then hit CTRL-C to exit.
Now let's refresh our Elasticsearch endpoints (the :9200 endpoints).
The data is there and has replicated across all servers.
Looking at all three systems at once is just for the purpose of this demo. In reality, all you have to do is look at /_cat/shards
on any node ins the cluster and be done with it:
You can even see that there are multiple shards and replicas (p => primary, r => replica).
Create Traffic Manager
At this point we want to create a single point-of-contact for search. We do this with traffic manager. You create the traffic manager then add an endpoint for each system:
function createtrafficmanager { param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$rg, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$count) clear $names = @("alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon") $uniqueName = (Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $rg)[0].StorageAccountName $tmProfile = New-AzureRmTrafficManagerProfile -ResourceGroupName $rg -name "tm-$rg" ` -TrafficRoutingMethod Performance ` -ProfileStatus Enabled ` -RelativeDnsName $uniqueName ` -Ttl 30 ` -MonitorProtocol HTTP ` -MonitorPort 9200 ` -MonitorPath "/" (1..$count).foreach({ $name = $names[$_ - 1] $pip = Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $rg -Name "pip-$name" Add-AzureRmTrafficManagerEndpointConfig -TrafficManagerProfile $tmProfile -EndpointName $name -TargetResourceId $ -Type AzureEndpoints -EndpointStatus Enabled }) Set-AzureRmTrafficManagerProfile -TrafficManagerProfile $tmProfile } createtrafficmanager -rg 'esnodes4dede7b0' -count 3
Id : /subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodes4dede7b0/providers/Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/tm-esnodes4dede7b0
Name : tm-esnodes4dede7b0
ResourceGroupName : esnodes4dede7b0
RelativeDnsName : esnodes4dede7b0alpha
Ttl : 30
ProfileStatus : Enabled
TrafficRoutingMethod : Performance
MonitorProtocol : HTTP
MonitorPort : 9200
MonitorPath : /
MonitorIntervalInSeconds : 30
MonitorTimeoutInSeconds : 10
MonitorToleratedNumberOfFailures : 3
Endpoints : {alpha, beta, gamma}
Id : /subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodes4dede7b0/providers/Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/tm-esnodes4dede7b0
Name : tm-esnodes4dede7b0
ResourceGroupName : esnodes4dede7b0
RelativeDnsName : esnodes4dede7b0alpha
Ttl : 30
ProfileStatus : Enabled
TrafficRoutingMethod : Performance
MonitorProtocol : HTTP
MonitorPort : 9200
MonitorPath : /
MonitorIntervalInSeconds : 30
MonitorTimeoutInSeconds : 10
MonitorToleratedNumberOfFailures : 3
Endpoints : {alpha, beta, gamma}
Id : /subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodes4dede7b0/providers/Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/tm-esnodes4dede7b0
Name : tm-esnodes4dede7b0
ResourceGroupName : esnodes4dede7b0
RelativeDnsName : esnodes4dede7b0alpha
Ttl : 30
ProfileStatus : Enabled
TrafficRoutingMethod : Performance
MonitorProtocol : HTTP
MonitorPort : 9200
MonitorPath : /
MonitorIntervalInSeconds : 30
MonitorTimeoutInSeconds : 10
MonitorToleratedNumberOfFailures : 3
Endpoints : {alpha, beta, gamma}
Id : /subscriptions/20e08d3d-d5c5-4f76-a454-4a1b216166c6/resourceGroups/esnodes4dede7b0/providers/Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/tm-esnodes4dede7b0
Name : tm-esnodes4dede7b0
ResourceGroupName : esnodes4dede7b0
RelativeDnsName : esnodes4dede7b0alpha
Ttl : 30
ProfileStatus : Enabled
TrafficRoutingMethod : Performance
MonitorProtocol : HTTP
MonitorPort : 9200
MonitorPath : /
MonitorIntervalInSeconds : 30
MonitorTimeoutInSeconds : 10
MonitorToleratedNumberOfFailures : 3
Endpoints : {alpha, beta, gamma}
Just access your endpoint:
Now you have a central endpoint. In this case traffic will be send to whichever Elasticsearch endpooint is closest to the end user (=performance
traffic routing method).
You'll want SSL for that. Well, after you go through the following DNS section.
Adding DNS
At this point everything is functional. Let's go beyond bare functionality. Normally, you'd want something like
as an endpoint.
The following will give my
domain a subdomain:
function creatednscname { param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$dnsrg, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$zonename, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$cname, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$target) New-AzureRmDnsRecordSet -ResourceGroupName $dnsrg -ZoneName $zonename -RecordType CNAME -Name $cname -Ttl 3600 -DnsRecords ( New-AzureRmDnsRecordConfig -Cname $target ) } function _virtualenv { $dnsrg = 'davidbetz01' $zone = '' creatednscname $dnsrg $zone $rgGlobal "$" } _virtualenv
Addition Thoughts
Remember, SSL. You do this with SSL termination. Putting SSL between each system internally (between nginx and an internal web server) is naive and foolish; you only need SSL to external systems. You do this with Nginx. See my secure Elasticsearch lab at for details.
You'll also want to protect various Elasticsearch operations via password (or whatever). See my Running with Nginx for more information.
You can learn more about interacting with Elasticsearch directly via my article Learning Elasticsearch with PowerShell.